Teacher Well-being in the Era of Open Education

a table seen from above, with several laptops visible, and a few people working on their phones or computers
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

In the age of information and communication technologies, education is in constant transformation, which presents challenges but also opportunities for the educational community. In this context, open education offers a wide range of possibilities, as this approach, characterized by its accessibility, benefits not only students and the quality of teaching, but also has a positive impact on teachers’ well-being, both emotionally and professionally.

Firstly, open education breaks down geographical and time constraints, allowing teachers to collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world. This exchange of experiences and knowledge leads to an enrichment of teaching practice, but also gives teachers the opportunity to integrate into a community of mutual support with the benefits that this sense of belonging and support entails for their emotional well-being (Seijo et al., 2023).

On the other hand, the flexibility inherent in open education allows teachers to choose when and how they wish to train, adapting to their interests and needs. Teachers can continue their professional development by participating in activities without the traditional restrictions of time and pace, which allows them to enjoy greater autonomy and control over their time, a key factor for the educator’s well-being.

In addition, open education fosters teamwork among teachers and their collaboration through online platforms and educational communities. In these spaces, teachers share strategies, materials and resources, tools of great value to face the challenges of teaching more effectively (Adil et al., 2022).

Therefore, the essence of open education, based on free sharing and open access, makes it a space of opportunities for teachers. It fosters collaboration, a sense of community and flexibility, factors that favor the emotional and professional well-being of teachers. Undoubtedly, this accessible, available, modifiable and free education makes it possible to build a stronger educational community.

Adil, H. M., Ali, S., Sultan, M., Ashiq, M., & Rafiq, M. (2022). Open education resources’ benefits and challenges in the academic world: a systematic review. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. Seijo Martínez, D., Vázquez Figueiredo, M. J., Novo Pérez, M., & Fariña Rivera, F. (2023). Estudio de los efectos del sentido de pertenencia a comunidades virtuales en el bienestar psicológico y el ajuste al contexto académico [Study of the effects of the sense of belonging to virtual communities on psychological well-being and adjustment to the academic context]. Educación XX1: revista de la Facultad de Educación.

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Teacher Well-being in the Era of Open Education

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