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A look back at Open Education Week 2024 at Nantes University

Halle 6 Ouest

From 2 to 9 December 2024, Nantes Université organised its second Open Education Week. This year, 60 speakers came to inspire the university community on five themes: Open Educational Resources (OER) and their uses, generative artificial intelligence (AI), social openness, continuing education and the ecological transition for sustainable development. The programme included 20 events across 5 campuses in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and La Roche-sur-Yon, attracting no fewer than 575 participants.

Workshops and roundtable discussions on Open Education and OER

This week was an opportunity to introduce the Fabrique REL. Created three months earlier, this service offers support to members of the Nantes university community interested in Open Education and the creation of OER. The Fabrique REL team ran a series of workshops aimed at raising awareness of Open Education and its challenges. Participants were able to hear from educators and students involved in creating OER during a round-table discussion in the presence of Christian Lachapelle, coordinator of Quebec’s fabriqueREL, a partner of the Nantes Fabrique REL. The Louvain Learning Lab of UCLain, another partner, also led an awareness workshop on Open Educaton in the form of sketch notes. These exchanges generated a great deal of interest and have already motivated some participants to become OER creators.

Two launches: NÉO and an AI community of practice

Nantes Université took the opportunity to unveil the NÉO platform, an acronym for Nantes Éducation Ouverte, a digital catalog of OER produced by the university community. This freely accessible platform is designed to facilitate the dissemination of OER to as many people as possible. Managed by the Fabrique REL, it will be regularly updated with new content.

Another initiative was launched during the week with the creation of a community of practice on the use of generative AI in teaching and learning activities. The aim of this community of practice is to help build Nantes Université’s position in order to guide the responsible use of generative AI in teaching, learning, production and scientific dissemination activities.

Conferences on higher education challenges

Trois conférences ont aussi marqué cette semaine, en abordant des enjeux clé pour l’avenir de l’enseignement supérieur. Agnès van Zanten, sociologue et directrice de recherche au CNRS, reconnue internationalement pour ses travaux sur les inégalités dans le système éducatif, est venue présenter « Les grands enjeux de l’ouverture sociale de l’enseignement supérieur ». Puis Colin de la Higuera, professeur en informatique à Nantes Université et titulaire de la chaire UNESCO RELIA, a évoqué le lien entre IA et Éducation ouverte dans sa conférence : « L’Éducation ouverte pour une intelligence artificielle à notre service. Et non l’inverse ». Enfin, le biologiste Olivier Hamant, chercheur INRAE au sein de l’ENS de Lyon et directeur de l’institut Michel Serres, a présenté « Une troisième voie pour l’Université, grâce aux leçons du vivant ».

The week highlighted the challenges and benefits of Open Education, sparking debate and raising awareness. Through discussions on OER, AI, the ecological transition and social inclusion, the event highlighted the importance of making education more accessible, inclusive and collaborative in order to meet the challenges facing higher education today. Nantes Université has chosen to make a determined commitment to this and to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: to ensure equitable, inclusive and quality education for all.

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A look back at Open Education Week 2024 at Nantes University

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