Web programmer at Linnaeus University – an open education. At Linnaeus University, open training program for web programmers has been conducted for about 10 years, which anyone interested can take part in online. Everything is open from the schedule, study guides, laboratory instructions, reading instructions, practice tasks, examination tasks and all recorded lectures. It gives anyone the opportunity to follow the teaching, but if you want to get points and apply for a university degree in computer science, then you need to apply and be admitted to the education. This open structure has proven to be successful in recruiting students, they can check out and try out the education before deciding to start studying.
The program Web programmer 180 credits can be studied both on campus and remotely. Click on the program and there you will be greeted by three headings, Become a student, Student and Business life. Click on Become a student and then on Our courses and you will see which are fully open training program, it is shown with the cc logo after the heading Course website. All lectures of the course are available on the Computer Science Lnu channel on YouTube. For all open material on the course, the cc license, CC BY, has been chosen.
You are welcome to contact the program manager, Johan Leitet, alternatively use the function email webbprogrammerare@lnu.se if you have questions about the training.